Festive as fuck

Week 8, and probably my best one yet. During this time I was somehow managing to keep my worst symptoms at bay, flushing out the feed with about 100kg of grated ginger tea and 4 litres of peppermint tea and water, and I was eating mammoth portions of tasty fresh food thanks to Rob my…

Tube trouble…and the rest

This week most people were starting to think about putting their Christmas decorations up or waiting excitedly for the John Lewis advert to make an appearance, but for me, I was just trying to make it through another day as comfortably as possible. The last few days had really tested my mental strength, as the…

Four weeks in

Four fucking weeks. To be fair, the time has flown by, but as I write this, it feels like i’ve never known anything different. This depressing anniversary falls at a time where I really feel at my lowest, with the most uncomfortable deep rooted gas which just feels like it’s stabbing all my insides. I…

Life on the ward: Getting past the gatekeeper

So after months of my weight continuing to plummet and the fatigue and symptoms draining me both mentally and physically, it all came to a head. I got signed off sick from work. By now I was used to functioning off little sleep and throwing what was left of my energy into my job, running…

Gut healing: Are probiotics the answer?

So I’m back with another blog post (not doing bad with two posts in one month eh!?) back to share more about the sorry state of my gut and overall health and wellbeing. Cheery and uplifting I know! Following previous tests consisting of an Endoscopy and an MRI scan, as predicted they found nothing malignant…

Surviving not thriving – somehow!

I’ve somehow found the time to blog again! Unfortunately though, this one won’t be uplifting. Since my last post where assisted feeding was on the cards, my consultant decided this course of action was to be thrust away from me. Instead, he wanted to firstly pursue other avenues before undergoing this treatment. Firstly he wanted…

Malnourishment and weight loss: where next?

So as usual it’s been a while since i’ve written an update – (how do many bloggers find the time to post on the regular!?) and I wish I could be full of positivity regarding my weight, low histamine and SIBO journey. Unfortunately though things have only continued to deteriorate and my weight is dangerously…

SIBO treatment update!

It’s been almost one month to the day I began my herbal antimicrobial treatment to battle the bitch that is SIBO, and honestly, it’s been far from smooth sailing. I’ve had ups and downs (mainly downs) as i’ve continued to consume blended herbal capsules recommended by my nutritionalist 3x a day, whilst sticking to a…

The SIBO herbal protocol

If you’ve been intrigued enough to delve further into my blog, you’ve probably stumbled upon a previous post relating to my latest SIBO diagnosis. At first I was happy to finally have received some form of explanation as to why I feel so unwell all of the time, but having researched this condition, i’ve discovered…

When your gut health impedes on your work life..

If you suffer from an invisible illness then from the outside, you’re just as professionally-capable as your colleagues. Internally though, the brain fog, fatigue, discomfort or downright agony is a little more than distracting when you’re trying to work to the best of your ability. For some it’s a massive struggle just to get out…